Source code for scithermo.eos.virial

from scithermo.critical_constants import CriticalConstants
from scithermo.chem_constants import R_si_units
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class Virial: """ :param R: gas constant, set to SI units :type R: float, hard-coded :param pow: function for computing power, defaults to numpy.power :type pow: callable, optional :param exp: function for computing logarithm, defaults to numpy.exp :type exp: callable, optional """ def __init__(self, pow: callable=np.power, exp: callable=np.exp): self.pow = pow self.exp = exp self.R = R_si_units def B0_expr(self, T_r): return 0.083 - 0.422*self.pow(T_r, -1.6) def B1_expr(self, T_r): return 0.139 - 0.172*self.pow(T_r, -4.2)
[docs] def d_B0_d_Tr_expr(self, T_r): """ .. math:: \\frac{\\mathrm{d} B^0}{\\mathrm{d}T_\\mathrm{r}} """ return 0.6752 * self.pow(T_r, -2.6)
[docs] def d_B1_d_Tr_expr(self, T_r): """ .. math:: \\frac{\\mathrm{d} B^1}{\\mathrm{d}T_\\mathrm{r}} """ return 0.7224 * self.pow(T_r, -5.2)
def B_expr(self, T_r, w, T_c, P_c): return self.R*T_c/P_c*( self.B0_expr(T_r) + w*self.B1_expr(T_r) ) def ln_hat_phi_i_expr(self, *args): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def hat_phi_i_expr(self, *args): """expression for fugacity coefficient""" return self.exp(self.ln_hat_phi_i_expr(*args))
[docs]class SecondVirial(CriticalConstants, Virial): """Virial equation of state for one component. See :cite:`Perry,Smith2005` """ def __init__(self, dippr_no: str = None, compound_name: str = None, cas_number: str = None, pow: callable=np.power, **kwargs): """ :param kwargs: for customized critica constants """ CriticalConstants.__init__(self, dippr_no, compound_name, cas_number, **kwargs) Virial.__init__(self, pow=pow) def d_B_d_Tr(self, T): T_r = T / self.T_c return self.d_B0_d_Tr_expr(T_r) + self.w*self.d_B1_d_Tr_expr(T_r)
[docs] def H_R_RT_expr(self, P, T): """Dimensionless residual enthalpy .. math:: \\frac{H^\\mathrm{R}}{RT} = P_\\mathrm{r}\\left[ \\frac{B^0}{T_\\mathrm{r}} - \\frac{\\mathrm{d} B^0}{\\mathrm{d}T_\\mathrm{r}} + \\omega\\left(\\frac{B^1}{T_\\mathrm{r}} - \\frac{\\mathrm{d}B^1}{\\mathrm{d}T_\\mathrm{r}}\\right) \\right] :return: Expression for residual enthalpy (divided by RT) -- dimensionless """ T_r = T/self.T_c return P/self.P_c*( self.B0_expr(T_r)/T_r - self.d_B0_d_Tr_expr(T_r) + self.w*(self.B1_expr(T_r)/T_r - self.d_B1_d_Tr_expr(T_r) ) )
[docs] def G_R_RT_expr(self, P, T): """Dimensionless residual gibbs .. math:: \\frac{G^\\mathrm{R}}{RT} = (B^0 + \\omega B^1)\\frac{P_\\mathrm{r}}{T_\\mathrm{r}} :return: Expression for residual gibbs free (divided by RT) -- dimensionless """ T_r = T / self.T_c P_r = P / self.P_c return (self.B0_expr(T_r) + self.w * self.B1_expr(T_r)) * P_r / T_r
[docs] def S_R_R_expr(self, P, T): """Dimensionless residual entropy .. math:: \\frac{S^\\mathrm{R}}{R} = -P_\\mathrm{r}\\left( \\frac{\\mathrm{d} B^0}{\\mathrm{d}T_\\mathrm{r}} + \\omega\\frac{\\mathrm{d}B^1}{\\mathrm{d}T_\\mathrm{r}} \\right) :return: Expression for residual entropy (divided by R) -- dimensionless """ T_r = T / self.T_c P_r = P / self.P_c return -P_r * (self.d_B0_d_Tr_expr(T_r) + self.w*self.d_B1_d_Tr_expr(T_r))
[docs] def ln_hat_phi_i_expr(self, P, T): r"""logarithm of fugacity coefficient .. note:: single-component version .. math:: \ln\hat{\phi}_i = \frac{PB}{RT} :param P: pressure in Pa :type P: float :param T: temperature in K :type T: float """ T_r = T / self.T_c return P*self.B_expr(T_r, self.w, self.T_c, self.P_c)/self.R/T
def calc_Z_from_units(self, P, T): return 1. + self.B_expr(T/self.T_c, self.w, self.T_c, self.P_c)*P/self.R/T def calc_Z_from_dimensionless(self, P_r, T_r): return 1 + (self.B0_expr(T_r) + self.w*self.B1_expr(T_r))*P_r/T_r
[docs] def plot_Z_vs_P(self, T, P_min, P_max, symbol='o', ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot compressibility as a function of pressure :param T: temperature [K] :type T: float :param P_min: minimum pressure for plotting [Pa] :type P_min: float :param P_max: maximum pressure for plotting [Pa] :type P_max: float :param phase: phase type (liquid or vapor), defaults to vapor :type phase: str :param symbol: marker symbol, defaults to 'o' :type symbol: str :param ax: matplotlib axes for plotting, defaults to None :type ax: plt.axis :param kwargs: keyword arguments for plotting """ if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_ylabel('$Z$') ax.set_xlabel('$P$ [Pa]') P = np.linspace(P_min, P_max) Z = [self.calc_Z_from_dimensionless(pressure/self.P_c, T/self.T_c) for pressure in P] ax.plot(P, Z, symbol, markerfacecolor='None', **kwargs)
[docs]class BinarySecondVirial(CriticalConstants, Virial): r"""Second virial with combining rules from :cite:`Prausnitz1986` .. math:: \begin{align} w_{ij} &= \frac{w_i + w_j}{2} \\ T_{\mathrm{c},ij} &= \sqrt{T_{\mathrm{c},i}T_{\mathrm{c},j}}(1-k_{ij}) :label:eq_Tcij\\ P_{\mathrm{c},ij} &= \frac{Z_{\mathrm{c},ij}RT_{\mathrm{c},ij}}{V_{\mathrm{c},ij}} \\ \end{align} where .. math:: \begin{align} Z_{\mathrm{c},ij} &= \frac{Z_{\mathrm{c},i} + Z_{\mathrm{c},j}}{2} \\\ V_{\mathrm{c},ij} &= \left(\frac{V_{\mathrm{c},i}^{1/3} + V_{\mathrm{c},j}^{1/3}}{2}\right)^{3} \end{align} :param k_ij: equation of state mixing rule in calculation of critical temperautre, see Equation :eq:`eq_Tcij`. When :math:`i=j` and for chemical similar species, :math:`k_{ij}=0`. Otherwise, it is a small (usually) positive number evaluated from minimal :math:`PVT` data or, in the absence of data, set equal to zero. :type k_ij: float :param cas_pairs: pairs of cas registry numbers, derived from cas_numbers calculated :type cas_pairs: list(tuple(str)) :param other_cas: map from one cas number to other :type other_cas: dict """ def __init__(self, i_kwargs = None, j_kwargs=None, k_ij = 0., pow: callable=np.power, exp: callable=np.exp): """ :param i_kwargs: kwargs for component i passed to critical constants :param j_kwargs: kwargs for component j passed to critical constants """ if i_kwargs is None: i_kwargs = {} if j_kwargs is None: j_kwargs = {} self.i = CriticalConstants(**i_kwargs) self.j = CriticalConstants(**j_kwargs) Virial.__init__(self, pow, exp) assert self.i.cas_number != self.j.cas_number, 'Errors anticipated when cas numbers are equal if other properties are not' self.k_ij = k_ij self.w_ij = (self.i.w + self.j.w) / 2. self.T_c_ij = pow(self.i.T_c * self.j.T_c, 0.5) * (1. - self.k_ij) self.Z_c_ij = (self.i.Z_c + self.j.Z_c) / 2. self.V_c_ij = pow( (pow(self.i.V_c, 1 / 3) + pow(self.j.V_c, 1 / 3)) / 2., 3 ) self.P_c_ij = self.Z_c_ij*self.R*self.T_c_ij/self.V_c_ij self.other_cas = { self.i.cas_number: self.j.cas_number, self.j.cas_number: self.i.cas_number, } self.cas_pairs = [] for x in self.other_cas.keys(): for y in self.other_cas.values(): self.cas_pairs.append((x, y))
[docs] def get_w_Tc_Pc(self, cas_i, cas_j=None): """Returns critical constants for calculation based off of whetner i = j or not :returns: (:math:`w`, :math:`T_c`, :math:`P_c`) :rtype: tuple """ if cas_i == self.i.cas_number and (cas_i == cas_j or cas_j is None): return self.i.w, self.i.T_c, self.i.P_c if cas_i == self.j.cas_number and (cas_i == cas_j or cas_j is None): return self.j.w, self.j.T_c, self.j.P_c if cas_i == self.other_cas[cas_j]: return self.w_ij, self.T_c_ij, self.P_c_ij
[docs] def B_ij_expr(self, cas_1, cas_2, T): r""" Returns :math:`B_{ij}` considering that :code:`i=j` or :code:`i!=j` If :code:`i=j`, find the component :math:`k` for which :code:`k=i=j` (all cas no's equal). Then return :math:`B_{kk}` where .. math:: B_{kk}=\frac{RT_{\mathrm{c},k}}{P_{\mathrm{c},k}}\left[ B^0\left(\frac{T}{T_{\mathrm{c},k}}\right) + \omega_k\left(\frac{T}{T_{\mathrm{c},k}}\right) \right] Otherwise, if :code:`i!=j`, return :math:`B_{ij}`, where .. math:: B_{ij}=\frac{RT_{\mathrm{c},ij}}{P_{\mathrm{c},ij}}\left[ B^0\left(\frac{T}{T_{\mathrm{c},ij}}\right) + \omega_{ij}\left(\frac{T}{T_{\mathrm{c},ij}}\right) \right] This is implemented in a simplified fashion usintg :meth:`BinarySecondVirial.get_w_Tc_Pc` and then calling the generic expression for :math:`B` :param cas_1: cas number of first component :type cas_1: str :param cas_2: cas number of second component :type cas_2: str :param T: temperature [K] """ w, T_c, P_c = self.get_w_Tc_Pc(cas_1, cas_2) T_r = T / T_c return self.B_expr(T_r, w, T_c, P_c)
[docs] def B_mix_expr(self, y_k, T): """ :param y_k: mole fractions of each component :math:`k` :type y_k: dict[:attr:`cas_numbers`, float] :param T: temperature in K :return: :math:`B` [m^3/mol], where :math:`Z = 1 + BP/R/T` """ return sum( y_k[i]*y_k[j]*self.B_ij_expr(i, j, T) for i, j in self.cas_pairs )
[docs] def calc_Z(self, y_k, P, T): """ :param y_k: mole fractions of each component :math:`k` :type y_k: dict :param P: pressure in Pa :param T: temperature in K :return: :math:`Z` [mol/m^3], where :math:`Z = 1 + BP/R/T` """ return 1. + self.B_mix_expr(y_k, T)*P/self.R/T
[docs] def d_ij_expr(self, T): """ .. math:: \\delta_{ij} = 2B_{ij} - B_{ii} - B_{jj} :label: eq_dij :param T: temperature [K] :return: :math:`\\delta_{ij}` [m**3/mol] """ return 2.*self.B_ij_expr(self.i.cas_number, self.j.cas_number, T) \ - self.B_ij_expr(self.i.cas_number, self.i.cas_number, T) \ - self.B_ij_expr(self.j.cas_number, self.j.cas_number, T)
[docs] def ln_hat_phi_i_expr(self, cas_i, y_i, P, T): r"""logarithm of fugacity coefficient .. math:: \ln\hat{\phi}_i = \frac{P}{RT}\left[B_{ii} + (1-y_i)^2\delta_{ij}\right] :param cas_i: cas number for component of interest :type cas_i: str :param y_i: mole fraction of component of interest :type y_i: float :param P: pressure in Pa :type P: float :param T: temperature in K :type T: float where :math:`\delta_{ij}` is given by Equation :eq:`eq_dij` """ return P*( self.B_ij_expr(cas_i, cas_i, T) - (1.-y_i)*(1.-y_i)*self.d_ij_expr(T) )/self.R/T
[docs] def fugacity_i_expr(self, cas_i, y_i, P, T): r"""Fugacity of component i in mixture :math:`f_i=\hat{\phi}_i y_i P` :param cas_i: cas number for component of interest :type cas_i: str :param y_i: mole fraction of component of interest :type y_i: float :param P: pressure in Pa :type P: float :param T: temperature in K :type T: float """ return self.hat_phi_i_expr(cas_i, y_i, P, T) * y_i * P
[docs] def bar_GiR_RT(self, *args): r"""Dimensionless residual partial molar free energy of component :math:`i` .. math:: \frac{\bar{G}^\mathrm{R}_i}{RT} = \ln\hat{\phi}_i :label: eq_GiR """ return self.ln_hat_phi_i_expr(*args)
def d_Bij_d_Tr(self, cas_i, cas_j, T): w, T_c, P_c = self.get_w_Tc_Pc(cas_i, cas_j) T_r = T / T_c return self.R*T_c/P_c*(self.d_B0_d_Tr_expr(T_r) + w*self.d_B1_d_Tr_expr(T_r))
[docs] def d_dij_d_Tr(self, T): r""" .. math:: \frac{\partial \delta_{ij}}{\partial T_r} = 2\frac{\partial B_{ij}}{\partial T_r}-\frac{\partial B_{ii}}{\partial T_r}-\frac{\partial B_{jj}}{\partial T_r} :label: eq_d_dij :param T: temperature [K] """ return 2.*self.d_Bij_d_Tr(self.i.cas_number, self.j.cas_number, T) \ - self.d_Bij_d_Tr(self.i.cas_number, self.i.cas_number, T) \ - self.d_Bij_d_Tr(self.j.cas_number, self.j.cas_number, T)
[docs] def Tstar_d_lnphi_dTstar(self, cas_i, y_i, P, T): r"""Returns .. math:: \begin{align} T^\star \frac{\partial \ln{\hat{\phi}_i}}{\partial T^\star} &= \frac{T T_\text{ref}}{T_\text{ref}}\frac{\partial \ln{\hat{\phi}_i}}{\partial T} = \frac{T}{T_\text{c}}\frac{\partial \ln{\hat{\phi}_i}}{\partial T_\text{r}} \\ &= \frac{T}{T_\text{c}}\left[ \frac{P}{RT}\left( \frac{\partial B_{ii}}{\partial T_r} + (1-y_i)^2\frac{\partial \delta_{ij}}{\partial T_r} \right) - \frac{T_c\ln\hat{\phi}_i}{T} \right] \\ &= \frac{P}{R T_\text{c}}\left( \frac{\partial B_{ii}}{\partial T_r} + (1-y_i)^2\frac{\partial \delta_{ij}}{\partial T_r} \right) - \ln\hat{\phi}_i \\ &= -\frac{\bar{H}_i^\text{R}}{RT} \end{align} where :math:`\frac{\partial \delta_{ij}}{\partial T_r}` is given by :eq:`eq_d_dij` :param cas_i: cas number for component of interest :type cas_i: str :param y_i: mole fraction of component of interest :type y_i: float :param P: pressure in Pa :type P: float :param T: temperature in K :type T: float """ return -self.bar_HiR_RT(cas_i, y_i, P, T)
[docs] def bar_HiR_RT(self, cas_i, y_i, P, T): r"""Dimensionless residual partial molar enthalpy of component :math:`i` .. math:: \begin{align} \frac{\bar{H}^\mathrm{R}_i}{RT} &= -T \left(\frac{\partial \ln\hat{\phi}_i}{\partial T}\right)_{P,y} \\ &= - \frac{T}{T_c} \left(\frac{\partial \ln\hat{\phi}_i}{\partial T_r}\right)_{P,y} \\ &= - \frac{T}{T_c}\left( \frac{P}{RT}\left[ \frac{\partial B_{ii}}{\partial T_r} + (1-y_i)^2\frac{\partial \delta_{ij}}{\partial T_r} \right] - \frac{T_c\ln\hat{\phi}_i}{T} \right) \end{align} where :math:`\frac{\partial \delta_{ij}}{\partial T_r}` is given by :eq:`eq_d_dij` so that we obtain .. math:: \frac{\bar{H}^\mathrm{R}_i}{RT} = -\frac{P}{RT_c}\left[ \frac{\partial B_{ii}}{\partial T_r} + (1-y_i)^2\frac{\partial \delta_{ij}}{\partial T_r} \right] + \ln\hat{\phi}_i :label: eq_HiR :param cas_i: cas number for component of interest :type cas_i: str :param y_i: mole fraction of component of interest :type y_i: float :param P: pressure in Pa :type P: float :param T: temperature in K :type T: float """ w, T_c, P_c = self.get_w_Tc_Pc(cas_i) return -P/self.R/T_c*(self.d_Bij_d_Tr(cas_i, cas_i, T) + (1.-y_i)*(1.-y_i)*self.d_dij_d_Tr(T)) + self.ln_hat_phi_i_expr(cas_i, y_i, P, T)
[docs] def bar_SiR_R(self, cas_i, y_i, P, T): r"""Dimensionless residual partial molar entropy of component :math:`i` Since .. math:: G^\mathrm{R} = H^\mathrm{R} - T S^\mathrm{R} In terms of partial molar properties, then .. math:: \begin{align} \bar{S}_i^\mathrm{R} &= \frac{\bar{H}_i^\mathrm{R} - \bar{G}_i^\mathrm{R}}{T} \\ \frac{\bar{S}_i^\mathrm{R}}{R} &= \frac{\bar{H}_i^\mathrm{R}}{RT} - \frac{\bar{G}_i^\mathrm{R}}{RT} \\ \end{align} By comparing Equation :eq:`eq_GiR` and :eq:`eq_HiR` it is observed that .. math:: \frac{\bar{S}_i^\mathrm{R}}{R} = -\frac{P}{RT_c}\left[ \frac{\partial B_{ii}}{\partial T_r} + (1-y_i)^2\frac{\partial \delta_{ij}}{\partial T_r} \right] where :math:`\frac{\partial \delta_{ij}}{\partial T_r}` is given by :eq:`eq_d_dij` :param cas_i: cas number for component of interest :type cas_i: str :param y_i: mole fraction of component of interest :type y_i: float :param P: pressure in Pa :type P: float :param T: temperature in K :type T: float """ w, T_c, P_c = self.get_w_Tc_Pc(cas_i) return -P/self.R/T_c*( self.d_Bij_d_Tr(cas_i, cas_i, T) + (1.-y_i)*(1.-y_i)*self.d_dij_d_Tr(T) )
[docs] def bar_ViR_RT(self, cas_i, y_i, P, T): r""" residual Partial molar volume for component *i* .. math:: \begin{align} \frac{\bar{V}_i^\mathrm{R}}{RT} &= \left(\frac{\partial \ln\hat{\phi}_i}{\partial P}\right)_{T,y}\\ &= \frac{B_{ii} + (1-y_i)^2\delta_{ij}}{RT} \end{align} .. note:: This expression does not depend on :math:`P` :param cas_i: cas number for component of interest :type cas_i: str :param y_i: mole fraction of component of interest :type y_i: float :param P: pressure in Pa :type P: float :param T: temperature in K :type T: float :return: :math:`\bar{V}_i^\mathrm{R}/R/T` """ return (self.B_ij_expr(cas_i, cas_i, T) + (1-y_i)*(1-y_i)*self.d_ij_expr(T))/self.R/T
[docs] def X_R_dimensionless(self, method: callable, cas_i: str, y_i: float, P: float, T: float): """Residual property of :math:`X` for mixture. :param method: function to compute partial molar property of compound :type method: callable """ y_j = 1.-y_i cas_j = self.other_cas[cas_i] return ( y_i*method(cas_i, y_i, P, T) + y_j*method(cas_j, y_j, P, T) )
[docs] def S_R_R(self, *args): """Residual entropy of mixture :math:`S^\mathrm{R}`""" return self.X_R_dimensionless(self.bar_SiR_R, *args)
[docs] def H_R_RT(self, *args): """Residual enthalpy of mixture :math:`H^\mathrm{R}`""" return self.X_R_dimensionless(self.bar_HiR_RT, *args)
[docs] def G_R_RT(self, *args): """Residual free energy of mixture :math:`G^\mathrm{R}`""" return self.X_R_dimensionless(self.bar_GiR_RT, *args)
def plot_residual_HSG(self, P, T, ax=None): if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_ylabel('Dimensionless') ax.set_xlabel('Gas-Phase Mole fraction %s' % self.i.compound_name) y_1 = np.linspace(0., 1.) HR_RT = np.array(list(self.H_R_RT(self.i.cas_number, i, P, T) for i in y_1)) GR_RT = np.array(list(self.G_R_RT(self.i.cas_number, i, P, T) for i in y_1)) SR_R = np.array(list(self.S_R_R(self.i.cas_number, i, P, T) for i in y_1)) ax.plot(y_1, HR_RT, '-', label='$H^\\mathrm{R}/(RT)$') ax.plot(y_1, GR_RT, '--', label='$G^\\mathrm{R}/(RT)$') ax.plot(y_1, SR_R, '-.', label='$S^\\mathrm{R}/R$') ax.set_title('Residual properties at T = %5.2f K and P = %4.3e Pa' % (T, P)) ax.legend() return ax